India's Largest Career Counselling Platform...
10,000+ Happy Students
We have served our service to more than 10 thousand students.
120+ Experienced Partners
We have experienced, certified Counselors from across India
250+ Institution Partners
Institutions across India are joining us to seize this opportunity for their students.

Why Future Lift

Career Assessment
Discover, plan & prepare for your ideal career path with our tailored tests.

Value Added Service
Access tools to conquer obstacles on your academic and career journey.

Tech-Enhanced Counseling
Save time and money with our innovative approach and receive personalized guidance.

Rich Knowledge Base
Explore career insights, know what is in demand, and get groomed for your educational and professional growth.
Explore Something Different
InstantAdvice Career Session...
Are you familiar with your specific career options and opportunities? Explore:
- Career Threats
- Career Details
- Career Road Maps
- Career Paths

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Future Lift is an online career counseling platform dedicated to helping you make informed career decisions. Our AI-integrated assessment tests, affordable counseling sessions, and Instant Advice are designed to guide you toward a successful future.
You must consider taking career counselling sessions from Future Lift because we provide affordable sessions. Our customer support is available worldwide and we also have local experts who can talk in their native language for clear communication.
Through the counselling sessions in Future Lift, you will get to know more about yourself and your key interests, personality, skills and IQ. This will help you to know what you want to achieve in your career, and you will be able to choose your future wisely.
Yes, we provide a free demo session at Future Lift to give insights about our services.
No, You don't need to pay any fees when you sign up with FUTURE LIFT.
You can take counselling sessions by simply signing up on our FUTURE LIFT website. After that, you have to fill out your profile information and then you can easily schedule your counselling session by just clicking on "My Sessions" in the menu bar.
Yes, FUTURE LIFT will help you to choose the right career path for your future as we use a brainstorming test to find out what interests you more and based on the report we provide detailed information about different career options from our Career Library. With this, you can find your ideal career that matches your skills.
Yes, your personal information is completely secure and safe with FUTURE LIFT. We follow strict security standards, by which your information will be secured.
Yes, you can request a refund anytime if you decide to quit our services. You can simply connect with our customer care and explain to them why you are leaving and if your reason is valid, we will process the refund for you.
Yes, FUTURE LIFT provides reliable information on a wide range of jobs from various fields. Our career library contains details on 500+ different career options where you can find the perfect job or career based on your interests, passion and skills whether it's from technology, healthcare, art, or any other field.